
Testimonies are encouraging and uplifting most especially because Believers know that God is not a respector of person. Hearing how He has moved in the life of another further opens up the understanding — in a concrete way — that He will do the same for the one who has ears to hear.

There are several here, and others have been captured on video. Look for them this year on our YouTube channel.

Campaign Testimonies:

Sister Barbara on Giving: Watch it now


God’s working Testimonies:

Acknowledging the Person of The Holy Spirit.  Read it now

Breaking Strongholds. Read it now

God’s Goodness. Read it now

The Anointing That Heals. Read it now

The New Creature. Read it now

The Faithfulness of God. Read it now

The Power of Life and Death in The Tongue. Read it now

3 thoughts on “Testimonies

  1. CHANGE IN MY LIFE; Daughter you are no longer BENT over seeing the reflection of yourself and heaven in the water. You can RELEASE your ungodly ways along with your challenge of yesteryear. You are now FREE and a NEW SPECIES in Christ. Walk and Talk with Me as we get out of the deep waters. You saw a reflection of Heaven and Yourself but Now you can stand Up Straight as an Arrow; Shoulders Back, head held high. Look towards heaven: Now what do you see? That Bright Light is Fern. The Star that is set on High. So now My daughter be a Bold Soldier with the whole Armor of God (The Word) (Psalms 91:2). I will say of the Lord He is My refugee and My Fortress My God in Him I Will Trust. The entire chapter of Psalms is part of my medication. My Daughter you have put your TRUST IN ME!!

    Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your HEART (Spirit) and lean not on your own understanding.

    Continue to Walk in Your BLESSINGS

  2. I just wanted to blog about our Father’s Day service yesterday. It was truly a blessing. I was so inspired by the testimonies of Elders Drumgoole, Reaves and Washington. They really solidified my belief that I am in the right place at the right time.

    Anyone who missed their testimonies on what it means to be a father MUST get a copy of the CD.

    I am always so thankful to the Pastor and Min. Madell for letting the Holy Spirit lead them. I believe that hearts were changed and breakthroughs were had by many as these men of God expressed their hearts on fatherhood.

    Thanks be to the Father and His faithful servants!

  3. As I begin to think (believing-which is the goal setter) about honoring those in authority God’s way I received that into my heart and begin to walk by faith concerning honor. It was said by Pastor Breedlove that if we want to practice something there are always people. I took a hold of God’s word about honor and wanted to see honor work in my life. I was faced with a situation where I had needed some very important paperwork within a day. I went to the office where the paperwork was located and faced a hostile leader who simply said to me: “there is no way you will get this paperwork in a day. It takes 7-10 days to pull and make copies so what else do you want?” I proceeded by asking for the form, filling it out and then handing it back to the clerk. I said to her it was a beautiful day outside and that I honored her position

    Two hours later I received a phone call from the clerk and she told me I could come and pick up the paperwork. I was just praising God because I realized that people are awaiting honor. Those in authority get so much mummering and complaining and people who always criticize what they do.

    As I continue to honor God by honoring his word, my whole thought process and love walk has changed tremendously. I love how God by his word is shaping and molding me as I continue to be a light (Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven).

    It reminded me of statements in the Bible where it says, Oh taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8).

    As we continue to honor those whom God has placed in authority we honor God. Let’s continue to share God”s faithfullness to his word.

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